Patients Visit Oklahoma City’s ClearSight from all Over the World

Patients Visit Oklahoma City’s ClearSight from all Over the World

Some people are wise enough to look well into their options for laser vision correction. Then when they find the place that they think will give them the best outcome, they are willing to invest in themselves and in their eyes, to come to this place and get a great outcome. It’s a real joy to take care of people like this. I mean, in a recent summer, we had people from all over the world, from Siberia in Russia, to Indonesia, to South Africa, to places in Europe — it’s just amazing. I never know, when I come to work, what I’m going to find. We had, I believe it was a young school teacher, drive here from Nebraska, 900 miles round-trip, to get her LASIK. She had no relatives here, she just heard about ClearSight Center, looked it up online, and decided this is where she wanted to come. She left the next day, seeing better than 20/20. We have that happen to us all the time and I think people just like the best possible results and that’s why they come here.

Phone: 405-722-2020

photo credit: DSC_8760 via photopin (license)

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