We’re Celebrating Our 21st Birthday!

We’re Celebrating Our 21st Birthday!

When we first came to Oklahoma City in 1995, people here did not believe that through refractive surgery we could give them great vision. It actually took us several years for the community to be sufficiently informed that they would consider coming here to get sight without glasses or contacts.

What’s changed the most in 21 years is that the technology. What we have now is so far advanced that it’s night and day or like a different planet, different solar system. That doesn’t mean that the people 21 years ago didn’t get great vision, it just means that we can help more people and that we can restore their vision more rapidly to a higher level.

A lot of laser vision correction centers in Oklahoma are still using equipment from the last century. Just because there’s great technology available, it doesn’t mean that everybody’s using it. You have to buy that great technology. In the last few months we’ve spent over a million dollars on two new lasers that give the best possible vision there is anywhere in the world.

Nowadays everybody seems to understand that we can offer people tremendous vision. That it’s likely to be one of the best things that they’ve ever had happen to them in their life. They know what we can do.

photo credit: Cake via photopin (license)

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