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From Referees to Moms – the Benefits of LASIK

From Referees to Moms – the Benefits of LASIK

A referee who’s wearing glasses in a rainstorm or a snowstorm is at a great disadvantage, because all of a sudden their vision really drops off and it can affect the calls on the field. Whereas if they’ve had laser vision correction they can have great vision and it doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or snowing, they will see well. We can make those referees go from being three blind mice to people who really saw great without glasses.

We have a lot of patients who leave here seeing far better than normal. They may leave here seeing 20/16, they may leave here seeing 20/12 or 20/10. A person who sees 20/12 is actually seeing 75 percent better than a person who sees 20/20!

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