Alexis Loves Her New Vision

After years of dealing with the inconvenience of glasses and contacts, Alexis decided to visit ClearSight. Watch to find out how LASIK changed her life!

Alexis: The first time I remember getting glasses, I was 10 years old. I couldn’t see the chalkboard at school. I kept telling my mom, “I can’t see,” even though they had moved me up to the front of the class. I still could not see it. But back then, it was not cool to wear glasses, no matter what kind. I didn’t wear them. I didn’t wear them at all unless I really couldn’t see, and then I’d sneak them out and then take them off.

I wore glasses and contacts and I alternated. If I was just at home, I’d just wear my glasses. If I were going out, I would wear my contacts. That carried on up into adulthood. Then I had children. Okay. My solution would get lost or my kids would open my contacts case and they would get lost. It just got to be a very big pain. I finally said, “Okay, well, I really wanna check into LASIK.”

My husband laughed at me. He’s like, “We’re never gonna be able to afford that.” I heard you guys on the radio and I called the number immediately and started talking to you guys. We set up an appointment to see if I was even a candidate, and when you come back and told me yes I was still worried I wouldn’t be able to afford it. Somebody contacted me and said, “Well, you do know we can do payment plans on this, correct?”

I think it was two months later I came in and got my surgery done. It has definitely, 100% changed my life. First of all, see if you’re a candidate. If you’re a candidate, then they walk you through step by step what you have to do or what you need to do to get this life-changing procedure done. I can promise you that, one, it’s not near as scary as you’re psyching yourself out to be.

The hardest part, to me, was just looking at the light when they were doing the surgery. I didn’t feel any pain, even after the surgery. My husband’s got 20/20 vision, but I actually out-see him. He’ll say, “Hey, what does that sign say ahead?” I’ll be like, “Oh, it says this.” He’s like, “How do you see that?” I’m like, “It’s a gift.”

ClearSight LASIK was life-changing for me. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I mean, next to my husband and my kids, that would be the next step for me. That’s how much I love it.

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