The Ziemer FEMTO LDV Z6 Laser

ClearSight is pleased to announce the addition of the Revolutionary FEMTO LDV™ Z6 Laser by Ziemer!

This remarkably advanced technology brings a new level of accuracy and speed to our all-laser Z-LASIK procedures and allows us to become the first center in Oklahoma to offer patients the new KAMRA™ inlay treatment for presbyopia!

ClearSight LASIK is the first practice in Oklahoma to pair the FEMTO LDV Z6 laser with the WaveLight® EX500 laser for all-laser LASIK surgery – the safest, most accurate and most advanced LASIK procedure in the State!

Patient Benefits of the Z-LASIK Method

Unlike older femtosecond lasers, the new FEMTO LDV Z6 uses extremely fast, short pulses of low range light, which provide a much faster creation of the corneal flap (the first step of the LASIK procedure). It also delivers less energy to the eye, enhancing the overall safety of the treatment.

The increased speed and lower energy mean less chance of any side effects during treatment, and best of all, faster healing for clearer vision in a shorter time frame. Specific benefits include:

  • Safety: The energy per pulse delivered is less than 10% of that of other femtosecond lasers – this results in reduced discomfort, inflammation and light sensitivity
  • More Precision: We can create precise flaps, which is helpful for patients with high corrections or thin corneas
  • Shorter Procedure Time: The Z6PP delivers 5 million pulses per second – making it more than 3 times faster and more comfortable for the patient
  • Faster Visual Recovery: The overlapping bubble treatment pattern creates a very smooth treatment surface – resulting in quicker recovery and better quality of vision in a shorter period of time
  • Less Chance of Dry Eye: Since the Z6 is a gentler laser with less energy, the chances of dry eye are reduced

The Z-LASIK Method Compared to other Conventional Laser Systems


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