Not a Candidate for LASIK? Let’s Talk ICL
The EVO ICL stands for Implantable Collamer Lens. Some people call it the Implantable Contact Lens. It’s not a contact lens. You don’t have to worry about clouding or getting it dirty or any discomfort. The EVO ICL goes inside the eye. It’s a very quick and painless procedure. Many times, your visual recovery is faster with the ICL.
The EVO ICL is typically for patients who are not a great candidate for LASIK. There are some studies show that the EVO ICL provides even better vision than LASIK. There are over 500,000 ICLs implanted worldwide and here at ClearSight, we’re offering that technology for those for whom it provides the greatest benefit.
We’re doing LASIK and of course PRK for those patients who need it. We’re doing the EVO ICL for those for whom LASIK is not the best option. We’re doing the KAMRA inlay for those who are trying out out bifocals and readers. We’re doing the refractive lens exchange for those patients who are starting to have some clouding in their natural lens.