Nathan’s Vision Is At Its Best Thanks to ICL
After wearing contacts for years during his Air Force deployment, Nathan was ready to see life in a whole new way. Watch as he shares his EVO ICL experience.
Nathan: I started wearing glasses about first grade, six or seven years old. I went to the Air Force for four years and I deployed twice and I wore contacts the whole time. I was going to try to go as a DoD civilian back to Afghanistan and I didn’t want to go with contacts. That’s when I decided to try to do this.
I did the free consultation and then I talked to Dr. Luke and he said that they would have to take off too much of my cornea to do LASIK. I was completely coherent. I wasn’t like I was under anesthesia or nothing. Everybody was talking. I was joking with them. As long as you’re looking straight, they do their thing.
I predominantly work outside. I’m in the oil field. Now I can take a cat nap every now and then and wake up and not seeing nothing but clouds and all that crap because your contacts have dried out. I wake up and I can see everything right off the bat. There’s not that groggy feeling where I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on around me. Even if it’s one of my kids or something, I wouldn’t be able to tell who it was before.
It’s gotten better and better every day.