Chris’s Life Changing EVO ICL Experience

Chris had almost completely given up on the idea of laser eye correction. That’s when ClearSight and the EVO ICL procedure changed everything for him. Listen as Chris shares his life changing experience.

Chris: I was in first grade sitting in the gym looking across the gym and I realized that I couldn’t actually see the tornado sign, where they tell you where to go exit for the tornado. I realized I couldn’t very clearly see it. It was just very blurry and I told my mom and it was not but a week later got my first pair of glasses. I didn’t like having to rely on the glasses, having to remember them in the morning and remember not to fall asleep with them on, for that matter.

For somebody whose eyesight is like mine, you can’t get laser eye surgery. It just doesn’t work. It’s not enough correction for it. ClearSight, themselves, they put out the advertisement, it was a little mailer thing, and most of the time I throw these things out in the trash anyway, but I decided to look again just because that thread in the back of my mind, I’d like to get this fixed eventually, maybe they’ve got something new, some new technology. The EVO ICL was a great big boon for me.

I just walked in, found out what it would be like. They were very open to all of my questions. They were able to answer them knowledgeably, quickly, just the sheer confidence in the process was what put me at ease.

A little bit nervous. The one nurse who just had a great bedside manner kept me chuckling through the whole process was great, too.

I think the moment that stood out the most was I stepped outside on my back porch to look up at the sky, it was evening, needing to shoo the kids in for bed, and I looked up at the moon and realized that I could actually see detail on the moon itself.

I wish I’d known that this was an option years ago. I could’ve made it work. If I had have known it sooner, I would have done it sooner.


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