Dr. Luke Loves Oklahoma City

Dr. Luke Loves Oklahoma City

Dr. Luke: “This is probably the friendliest city I have ever lived in. The people are incredible, and it’s not just being nice. People are welcoming. They’re warm. My wife and I have been here for five weeks, and we already have maybe 30 people we call friends. I think it’s just the general attitudes. People are friendly. They have those Midwestern values that people talk about. People believe that being nice and doing the right thing is a valid thing to do. It’s just absolutely incredible.”

Dr. Luke continues: “ClearSight LASIK has exceeded my expectations, which was hard to believe, right? Their dedication to patients’ vision, their outcome, and frankly who they are. They’ve been incredibly supportive of me. Everything that I could possibly have asked for, they’ve helped me with. I feel like it’s more of a family here. I feel like I’m part of a group. We all have common goals. There’s not been a single day where I’ve grumbled about going to work. I’ve always looked forward to it. They help me just like they help their patients.”

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